Spatial Points

A collection of notes on remote sensing, spatial science, and solutions to problems encountered

Meet The Team – Brooke Deak

Originally from Florida in the USA, I moved to Melbourne, Australia in 2013 to complete a Master of Environment degree at the University of Melbourne. I have now lived in three capital cities within Australia since then, and am currently residing in Adelaide where I am pursuing a Ph.D in Sciences at the University of Adelaide.

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Making python (anaconda) 64 bit and Arcpy 64 bit (ArcGIS python process) play nicely together

Calling ArcGIS processes from python can be a wonderful time-saver; allowing the user to code a process to loop through hundreds of data-sets autonomously.

Most ArcGIS processes are only 32 bit, so can slow down significantly when working on large datasets; data has to be shuffled in and out of memory (RAM). However, newer ArcGIS 64 bit processes allow more memory to be addressed, potentially resulting in significant reductions in processing time.

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