Spatial Points

A collection of notes on remote sensing, spatial science, and solutions to problems encountered

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Useful Resources

We have compiled this list as a way of sharing resources within our research group and with others in the field, to provide easy access to these sites and most importantly to ensure that we don’t forget them!

Please leave us a comment if you know of any additional websites, books, data repositories etc that we should know about and we will add it to the list.

Industry Websites & Societies


Satellite Imagery

  • Earth Observation Browser (ESA)
    • Sentinel and Landsat
  • Copernicus Open Access Hub (ESA)
  • EarthExplorer
    • Allows users to access and download a range of satellite products including Landsat, Sentinel, AVHRR and MODIS data as well as digital elevation models and other land cover products.
  • AppEEARS – Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples
    • This platform allows you to access EarthExplorer data using your USGS login but what’s special is that you can request new data and pre-process it before placing the order (e.g. clip to an ROI with a custom shapefile, re-project, pre-select particular bands, etc.). It took about 24 hours for each order to be processed (daily MODIS data for 1 year).
    • Once the data has been processed you can view basic statistics for the order (e.g. average pixel value, standard deviation, pixels quality time-series, etc.) before downloading your dataset.
  • GloVis
    • Similar to EarthExplorer, GloVis is a repository of satellite products also run by the USGS. You can access ASTER, Landsat and Sentinel products here.
  • Planet
    • As a student or researcher at an academic institution you can create a personal, basic account and download up to 10,000 km2 of imagery per month for free. Access imagery such as 4-band 3m PlanetScope scenes, RapidEye Ortho tiles, Landsat 8 scenes, Sentinel-2 tiles and SkySat scenes.


  • Index Database
    • This database helps you to find the remote sensing indices you’re looking for by providing a quick overview of which indices are usable for a specific sensor and a specific application. Available bands of sensors are linked with required wavelengths of indices, so that one can get all sensors usable for calculating an index and vice versa one can find all indices suitable for a specific sensor.

Online Data Processing & High-Performance Computing

  • Google Earth Engine
  • Biodiversity and Climate Change Virtual Laboratory (BCCVL)
    • Access and visualise a large set of biological, environmental, and climate (including future scenario) datasets and concurrently run statistical analyses on your data without burdening your personal computer.
  • Picterra
    • Is an easy to use AI object detection workflow. Users select aerial or satellite imagery over their area of interest and then train the AI by providing examples of the object to be detected. Picterra then runs the object detection model and provides the ability to count, visualise and organise your results as well as export the data and share via a URL.


  • Earth Observation: Data, Processing and Applications
    • This textbook is an initiative of the Australian Earth Observation community in order to develop a resource that describes earth observation data, processing and applications in an Australian context. This book is broken into three volumes; Volume 1: Data (available), Volume 2: Processing (available) and Volume 3: Applications (coming soon).

GIS & Environmental Data

  • 30-Meter SRTM Tile Downloader
    • This site provides easy access for downloading 30-meter resolution elevation data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM).
  • 30-Meter ALOS Global Digital Surface Model
    • This site provides easy access for downloading 30-meter resolution elevation data from the Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping (PRISM) onboard the Advanced Land Observing Satellite “ALOS”.
  • National Map
    • Is an online map-based tool to allow for easy access and visualisation of spatial data from Australian government agencies.
    • There is also potential to upload your own data.
    • Some of the data is sourced from which is another repository of open government data.
  • Data.SA – South Australian Government Data Directory
  • CSIRO Data Access Portal
  • TERN Data Discovery Portal
    • ausplotR package. More information can be found on the TERN website.
    • Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia (SALGA) R-package. More information can be found on the TERN website.
  • TERN AusCover
  • Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN)
    • A one-stop online workbench with access to thousands of multi-disciplinary datasets, from hundreds of data sources and analytical tools covering spatial and statistical modelling, planning and visualisation.
  • Water Observations from Space (WOfS; Geoscience Australia)

All things coding!

Lovely tutorials


  • R for Data Science by Garrett Grolemund & Hadley Wickham
    • Are you new to R? Well this is the book for you! This is a free e-book that covers everything from how to import, transform, visualise and model your data.
  • Geocomputation with R by Robin Lovelace, Jakub Nowosad, Jannes Muenchow
    • So you’ve got the basics of R down but now you want to create maps and play with vectors and rasters in R. Geocomputation with R is all about geographic data analysis, visualisation and modelling. This book goes over topics such as the fundamentals of geographic data in R, how to make maps, reprojecting spatial data as well as highlighting just a few of the potential applications analysing data in R can have.
  • The Tidyverse style guide by Hadley Wickham
  • Mastering Shiny by Hadley Wickham
  • Bookdown
    • Are you looking for more books about R? The Bookdown website features a range of books that go into more depth about different aspects of R from handling strings in R, hands-on programming in R, fundamentals of data visualisation, advanced R, text mining and how to creating websites with R Markdown.
  • Happy Git and GitHub for the useR by Jenny Bryan, the STAT 545 TAs, Jim Hester
    • If you’re using R and want to use Git as a version control/backup method this e-book outlines how to install and use Git, how to get Git and RStudio to work together, how to develop workflows and much more.
  • raster2data tutorial by thejholloway (Jacinta Holloway)
    • This is a beginners tutorial available through GitHub outlining how to work with spatial imagery (rasters) and converting these files to data frames for statistical analysis.


Posters, Presentations & Graphical Abstracts

  • Animate Your Science blog
    • You can find many useful resources to create your next conference poster, prepare a great talk that will not put your audience to sleep or get started with graphical abstracts to make your next manuscript stand out from the crowd.


  • Autodraw
    • Trying to create a graphical abstract? Maybe a conference poster? Do you need a simple diagram of a sun or a satellite? Autodraw allows you to draw the basic shape of an object, person or thing and Autodraw will match what you have drawn with a catalogue of simple illustrations created by artists.
    • Check out this website if you need help developing a colour scheme for your map visualisation, conference posters, graphical abstract etc.
  • Lucidchart
    • Is a great website to take your diagrams to the next level!
  • unsplash
    • Free high-resolution images and pictures.
  • Flaticon
    • Similar to Autodraw, here you can freely browse thousands of icons (without backgrounds), change or edit their colours and download for use in your presentations, posters and graphical abstracts.

Blogs, Podcasts & Other Media

Meet The Team – Claire Fisk

I’m a third year PhD student working with the Spatial Science Group at the University of Adelaide. Prior to my PhD, I completed a Bachelor of Environmental Science and a Bachelor of Sustainable Environments at the University of South Australia.

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Hannah’s Hot Tips for future PhD Students

Some things I’ve learned in my first 12 months.

If you’re considering whether or not to apply for a PhD, you should think carefully about a few things. I recommend reading this article and this article (and simply googling or consulting academics and PhD students on “why you should or shouldn’t study a PhD”) before you make a decision to apply.

If, however, you have just accepted your offer for admission (congratulations!), I refer you to some hot tips. They are compiled from general advice I have received from post-docs, academics, second and third year PhDs as well as things I have learned myself as I have bobbed turbulently along my first year of candidature.

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Meet the Team – Hannah Auricht

Despite (or perhaps because of?) growing up on a hobby farm, I’ve always been fascinated by marine ecosystems. This led me to study Marine Biology at the Uni of Adelaide from 2012. Realising the underrated power of remote sensing for monitoring broad scale marine processes in my third year, I joined the Spatial Sciences Group in 2015 to complete my Honours. After this, I was offered a short research contract looking at changes in coastal productivity in relation to Murray River flows. This experience convinced me to stay on with the SSG and study further. Seems like they can’t get rid of me?!

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Structuring your thesis – Where to start and how to do it?

Taking time to think about the structure of your thesis or mapping its outline can be a daunting task but it doesn’t have to be! This post is based on a workshop given by Margaret Cargill who guides students through this process of thesis design to writing and gets you thinking about how to achieve this final PhD goal.

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Managing your time when writing your thesis

Managing your time for thesis writing can be stressful so the most important thing is to find a method that works for you to make sure that you are really making progress and limit your stress levels.

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Meet The Team – Alicia Caruso

I have completed a B.Sc (Mineral Geoscience) in 2013 followed by a B.Sc (Honours) in Remote Sensing in 2015 at Adelaide Uni and I am now in my final year of my Ph.D which will be completed in mid 2019.

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Meet The Team – Ken Clarke

I was born in South Australia (SA) and I’ve never lived elsewhere, except for holidays – I looooove holidaying in new places overseas. So, while many of the members of our group have exciting worldly backgrounds, I’m ‘just South Australian’. I don’t say that as a bad thing, I’m very attached to this wonderful state. I just mention it as geographical-temporal context.

But sometimes I do wish SA was a bit cooler and wetter.

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Objective regolith-landform mapping

New research demonstrates the success of digital spatial data to create a regolith-landform map with a relationship to traditional mapping.  Using data products derived by Geoscience Australia and a Geographic Information System (GIS), we created a map that had a meaningful relationship to a traditionally derived map.

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Free R Tutorials for Working with Raster Data

Hey Spatial Information Group folks!  I know many of us are learning how to code and generate spatial raster statistics in R Studio.  It is a steep learning curve, but alot of fun once you get through the basics.  I have always found that I learn best by working through an example tutorial before applying it to real world data, so in that spirit, here’s my “hot tip” for learning R:

Check out the free tutorial and lessons provided by the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON).  The NEON lessons look very well written and presented…and I’m sure most in our group can relate to the example datasets provided.

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