Spatial Points

A collection of notes on remote sensing, spatial science, and solutions to problems encountered

Category: Remote Sensing

Using deep learning to detect an indicator arid shrub in ultra-high-resolution UAV imagery

Article link: Using deep learning to detect an indicator arid shrub in ultra-high-resolution UAV imagery

My PhD research is in collaboration with Bush Heritage Australia. The second chapter of my thesis concerns the use of UAV imagery for gathering species-composition information, a component of biodiversity where measurement has typically been restricted to on-ground methods.

I used high resolution UAV imagery and deep-learning-based object detection models to automatically detect pearl bluebush (Maireana sedifolia) in UAV orthomosaics. The aim of the research was to assess the feasibility of this approach for use in monitoring programmes, as well as how detection accuracies were affected by the deep learning models chosen, image resolution, and monitoring site.

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Visualising Burnt Area Impacts on Kangaroo Island with Satellite Imagery

For the past six weeks, I have been somewhat distracted from my normal PhD research routine. My passion for rock and mineral mapping has been replaced by a strong interest in satellite bushfire scar mapping. My interest is personal, stemming from the fact that my family and I live on Kangaroo Island, and we have observed the devasting environmental, economic, and social effects that the bushfires have had on our local community. I am hoping that by posting my latest bushfire mapping efforts, this relatively new information may be of assistance to the island community…whether it be for land management, habitat assessment, fire prevention, or just so folks can have a better understanding of the distribution of burnt areas across the island. 

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