Spatial Points

A collection of notes on remote sensing, spatial science, and solutions to problems encountered

Category: Past

Meet the Team – Alan Stenhouse

My background is in software development and I came to Adelaide to try and apply my skills towards aiding our natural world and helping to conserve our amazing biodiversity. My wife has also been pursuing her PhD in Ecology, studying Malleefowl on the Eyre Peninsula. Both of us studying concurrently has been both highly rewarding and often challenging in many ways!

My PhD research has focussed on developing tools for improving the quality of biodiversity data collected by citizen scientists. I developed two mobile apps for iOS and android devices for The Great Koala Count in South Australia in 2016 and similarly for the Echidna Conservation Science Initiative (echidnaCSI) which began in 2017 and continues today. The echidnaCSI project was one of the 3 finalists for the 2021 Eureka Prize for Innovation in Citizen Science.

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Meet The Team – Andrew Hennessy

Starting with a bachelor’s degree in evolutionary biology I moved on to a rather unrelated though interesting Honours project. I designed and built a 3D printer that used urealytic bacteria to cement sand grains together creating 3D sandstone prints! While this was successful, my Honours taught me that working in a wet lab wasn’t for me. Deciding data science and working at a computer was more my speed I followed my botanical interests to the remote sensing group to commence a PhD.

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Meet The Team – Amelie Jeanneau

Growing up on a dairy farm in the French countryside, I’ve always had an interest in sustainable land management and the environment surrounding me. After studying Biochemical Engineering (B.Sc) and Environmental Management (M.Sc) in France, I decided to move to Adelaide in 2012, for a couple of years, to gain professional experience in an English speaking country, and to discover new landscapes and a new culture. Seven years later I’m still here in Adelaide, but I gained so much professional experience over the years and learnt a lot about the Australian Environment.

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Meet The Team – Claire Fisk

I’m a third year PhD student working with the Spatial Science Group at the University of Adelaide. Prior to my PhD, I completed a Bachelor of Environmental Science and a Bachelor of Sustainable Environments at the University of South Australia.

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Meet the Team – Hannah Auricht

Despite (or perhaps because of?) growing up on a hobby farm, I’ve always been fascinated by marine ecosystems. This led me to study Marine Biology at the Uni of Adelaide from 2012. Realising the underrated power of remote sensing for monitoring broad scale marine processes in my third year, I joined the Spatial Sciences Group in 2015 to complete my Honours. After this, I was offered a short research contract looking at changes in coastal productivity in relation to Murray River flows. This experience convinced me to stay on with the SSG and study further. Seems like they can’t get rid of me?!

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Meet The Team – Alicia Caruso

I have completed a B.Sc (Mineral Geoscience) in 2013 followed by a B.Sc (Honours) in Remote Sensing in 2015 at Adelaide Uni and I am now in my final year of my Ph.D which will be completed in mid 2019.

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Meet The Team – Brooke Deak

Originally from Florida in the USA, I moved to Melbourne, Australia in 2013 to complete a Master of Environment degree at the University of Melbourne. I have now lived in three capital cities within Australia since then, and am currently residing in Adelaide where I am pursuing a Ph.D in Sciences at the University of Adelaide.

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