Spatial Points

A collection of notes on remote sensing, spatial science, and solutions to problems encountered

Author: Brooke Deak

Fantastic Fails and Where to Mind Them

We mentioned before that you may want to get comfortable in failing and feeling like a novice. The truth is, you will fail at least a few times in your life, especially if you plan to do a PhD. It’s all part of the learning experience. It’s not about the act of failing, though; it’s about what you do afterwards.

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The Naming of Cats is a Difficult Matter…

Feral cats can have a range of devastating impacts on natural ecosystems. But what exactly constitutes as a feral cat and why should it matter?

Brooke Deak’s work on feral cats identifies some interesting questions, explained in her review in Animals, “The Significance of Social Perceptions in Implementing Successful Feral Cat Management Strategies: A Global Review.

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Meet The Team – Brooke Deak

Originally from Florida in the USA, I moved to Melbourne, Australia in 2013 to complete a Master of Environment degree at the University of Melbourne. I have now lived in three capital cities within Australia since then, and am currently residing in Adelaide where I am pursuing a Ph.D in Sciences at the University of Adelaide.

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