Starting with a bachelor’s degree in evolutionary biology I moved on to a rather unrelated though interesting Honours project. I designed and built a 3D printer that used urealytic bacteria to cement sand grains together creating 3D sandstone prints! While this was successful, my Honours taught me that working in a wet lab wasn’t for me. Deciding data science and working at a computer was more my speed I followed my botanical interests to the remote sensing group to commence a PhD.
About Us
We are the Spatial Sciences Group and Unmanned Research Aircraft Facility at the University of Adelaide
We are a mix of Academics, Post-Docs and PhD's who specialise in a range of applications of GIS and Remote Sensing. We frequently solve small or large image processing, spatial, or related coding problems. However, much of this knowledge remains inside our individual heads, or, it quickly slides out...
This site was created to store the collective solutions of our group. Hopefully they'll be more useful gathered together in a searchable form.