Lovely tutorials


  • R for Data Science by Garrett Grolemund & Hadley Wickham
    • Are you new to R? Well this is the book for you! This is a free e-book that covers everything from how to import, transform, visualise and model your data.
  • Geocomputation with R by Robin Lovelace, Jakub Nowosad, Jannes Muenchow
    • So you’ve got the basics of R down but now you want to create maps and play with vectors and rasters in R. Geocomputation with R is all about geographic data analysis, visualisation and modelling. This book goes over topics such as the fundamentals of geographic data in R, how to make maps, reprojecting spatial data as well as highlighting just a few of the potential applications analysing data in R can have.
  • The Tidyverse style guide by Hadley Wickham
  • Mastering Shiny by Hadley Wickham
  • Bookdown
    • Are you looking for more books about R? The Bookdown website features a range of books that go into more depth about different aspects of R from handling strings in R, hands-on programming in R, fundamentals of data visualisation, advanced R, text mining and how to creating websites with R Markdown.
  • Happy Git and GitHub for the useR by Jenny Bryan, the STAT 545 TAs, Jim Hester
    • If you’re using R and want to use Git as a version control/backup method this e-book outlines how to install and use Git, how to get Git and RStudio to work together, how to develop workflows and much more.
  • raster2data tutorial by thejholloway (Jacinta Holloway)
    • This is a beginners tutorial available through GitHub outlining how to work with spatial imagery (rasters) and converting these files to data frames for statistical analysis.
