- Earth Observation Browser (ESA)
- Sentinel and Landsat
- Copernicus Open Access Hub (ESA)
- Provides complete, free and open access to Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3 and Sentinel-5P user products, starting from the In-Orbit Commissioning Review (IOCR).
- Sentinel Hub Playground
- EarthExplorer
- Allows users to access and download a range of satellite products including Landsat, Sentinel, AVHRR and MODIS data as well as digital elevation models and other land cover products.
- AppEEARS – Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples
- This platform allows you to access EarthExplorer data using your USGS login but what’s special is that you can request new data and pre-process it before placing the order (e.g. clip to an ROI with a custom shapefile, re-project, pre-select particular bands, etc.). It took about 24 hours for each order to be processed (daily MODIS data for 1 year).
- Once the data has been processed you can view basic statistics for the order (e.g. average pixel value, standard deviation, pixels quality time-series, etc.) before downloading your dataset.
- GloVis
- Similar to EarthExplorer, GloVis is a repository of satellite products also run by the USGS. You can access ASTER, Landsat and Sentinel products here.
- Planet
- As a student or researcher at an academic institution you can create a personal, basic account and download up to 10,000 km2 of imagery per month for free. Access imagery such as 4-band 3m PlanetScope scenes, RapidEye Ortho tiles, Landsat 8 scenes, Sentinel-2 tiles and SkySat scenes.
- Index Database
- This database helps you to find the remote sensing indices you’re looking for by providing a quick overview of which indices are usable for a specific sensor and a specific application. Available bands of sensors are linked with required wavelengths of indices, so that one can get all sensors usable for calculating an index and vice versa one can find all indices suitable for a specific sensor.