A few nights ago while scrolling twitter I discovered an R package called ‘esquisse’. This package was designed to help users explore and extract data quickly and a brilliant feature of this package is the ‘ggplot2 builder’ add-in.

This add-in opens a GUI interface within RStudio that allows you to interactively explore and visualise your data using the ggplot2 package. Provide it with a data frame and you can effortlessly create bar graphs, scatter plots, histograms, boxplots and much more.

The video below provides a short demonstration of what ggplot2 builder can do.

What makes it even better is that you can export the graph as a PNG file, in a PowerPoint presentation or you can retrieve the code in order to reproduce it or refine it further.

To install:


If you want to use the export to PowerPoint feature you will also need to install the following:


Once installed you will find ‘ggplot2 builder’ under the add-ins drop-down menu at the top of RStudio.

Thank you to We are R-Ladies on twitter for sharing this great package.

Happy plot making!