Despite (or perhaps because of?) growing up on a hobby farm, I’ve always been fascinated by marine ecosystems. This led me to study Marine Biology at the Uni of Adelaide from 2012. Realising the underrated power of remote sensing for monitoring broad scale marine processes in my third year, I joined the Spatial Sciences Group in 2015 to complete my Honours. After this, I was offered a short research contract looking at changes in coastal productivity in relation to Murray River flows. This experience convinced me to stay on with the SSG and study further. Seems like they can’t get rid of me?!
Now as a PhD candidate, my research is focussed on the effects of drought and river regulation on coastal marine productivity. This involves work with satellite derived ocean colour products which can tell us about the productivity and water quality of these environments and how they change across space and time. It’s important work, and has already given me a lot of exciting opportunities.
When I’m not behind a screen at uni, I am normally chilling out at home (who isn’t?!) but I am also often out walking, gardening, visiting family interstate or swimming at the beach. Follow me @AurichtHannah!
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